Wyrd Pharm elucidated

Wyrd, the old Anglo-Saxon version of the modern “weird” has a completely different meaning than most would associate with it.  Most often the word wyrd is defined as fate, but the real breadth of its meaning spans far beyond one half of the fate / freewill dichotomy.  Rather, it lies somewhere in the middle, within the unfolding of personal destiny.  Wyrd is the vast interconnected weaving of all things that is ever-present in the unfolding of each moment. To gain insight into this essence of the fabric of reality is to begin to know how to use it to manifest our personal destiny.

Pharm implies the medicinal cultivation of each individual’s soul seed potential to find agency within their own life, through gaining deeper insight into their own ancestral threads, compassionate understanding for the experiences and circumstances of their lives, and making good wholesome compost out of all that no longer serves, in which to seed that which does. 

In short, the Wryd Pharm implies conscious gardening that will seed and grow empowered and loving individuals, for the interconnected benefit of all beings. 

Our Vision

Through the guidance and benevolence of the plant spirits, and the support and skillful means of wisdom traditions, we aspire to foster profound healing, learning, integration and awakening. 

Fallible human beings that we are, no wrong doing within or without is beyond redemption.  At our essence we are vast and loving, primordially confident and courageous, clear seeing and quintessentially good.  Through the sacraments of plant medicine, we have the opportunity to remember this.  Through the integrative practices of wisdom traditions we gain skillful means to realize this, day by day. 

Our offering is rooted in community and we ourselves are on the path of remembering and realizing our true nature, of learning and actualizing a gentle walk of life together with each other and with the Earth.  As we grow our offering rooted in community and in the values of kindness, love, generosity, and patience, we wish to share our fruits in the spirit of spreading good seeds out into the world, that all beings may benefit. 

Our Mission

May all beings remember who they truly are.

Project Vision - Currently in Construction Phase

The Heart of our vision is to create a small scale sustainable community whose members contribute to running a high quality holistic healing center working with traditional plant medicines of South America and Central Africa.  We envision our offering coming from the nourished roots of our unified efforts and the integrity of our ongoing personal work along the path of remembering our wholeness, as a way of continuing the regenerative cycle that underlies the nature of all things manifest.  Our vision’s core is that the spirit of our offering is germinated from our living alignment with the change we want to see in the world.  The community is based on the principles of permaculture and non-violent communication, as well as informed by the guidance of sacred plant medicines.  It will also support and be supported through our retreat center offering a variety of holistic plant-medicine based retreats, mainly focusing on working in a Neo-traditional approach with Ayahuasca, Tobacco and Iboga. 

With abundant medicinal gardens we will aim to be self sustaining in growing and providing our own home grown medicines, including many varieties of medicinal plants that can alleviate and cure a plethora of different ailments, both mental and physical.   The work we will offer will be honoring and representing various indigenous traditions whose technologies accompany and direct these various Plant medicines in the way that they are offered, as well as incorporating integrative practices and methodologies from the western psychological lens in order to make these ancient plant medicine practices applicable in the modern world.   We aim to offer this work with a focus on healing trauma and psychospiritual integration as to foster further wholeness and remembrance in each of our guests. 

Our 110 hectares of land in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is an old village site of the pre-colombian Tayrona culture which is bordered by 1km of river front on Rio Guachaca with stunning views of the snow peaks of the highest costal mountains on the planet.  It is deep in the Jungle in a remote pristine setting which is off grid, has no reception/EMF interferences and with plenty of untouched forest in the surround.   It is naturally divided into two sections by a stream that provides the drinking water as well as micro hydro electricity. On one side of the stream we are creating our community with individual homes for families, as well as a small school and basic living necessities.   On the other side of the stream we are currently in the process of building a retreat center to Host a variety of different retreats.  We are looking to procure an adjacent property to our one that also has a large amount of old terraces and Tayrona village relics in order to be able to expand the community and fully revive the old Tayrona village to its new/original glory.

As we are currently under construction we are not as of yet hosting retreats on our land.  We do have availability when we are not in construction season for individual or small group private retreats/dietas.  We are currently booked through the rest of 2023 and will announce when we have openings for works in 2024.  If you would like to stay informed about our offerings please sign up for our email list.  If you would like to make a donation that will go towards our project development we would be very grateful to receive it via Venmo to @jennisphere